{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "cimVersion": "2.9.0", "id": 72, "name": "Subdivisions", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolyline", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 103937, "latestWkid": 103937, "xyTolerance": 0.002, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -17588100, "falseY": -48820100, "xyUnits": 4000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": 0, "mUnits": 1 }, "copyrightText": "", "parentLayer": null, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "uniqueValue", "valueExpression": "return \"COGO\"", "valueExpressionTitle": "Custom", "uniqueValueInfos": [ { "symbol": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.75 }, "value": "COGO", "label": "Subdivision" } ], "fieldDelimiter": ",", "authoringInfo": { "colorRamp": { "type": "multipart", "colorRamps": [ { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 210, 252, 187, 255 ], "toColor": [ 210, 252, 187, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 252, 184, 248, 255 ], "toColor": [ 252, 184, 248, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 184, 233, 252, 255 ], "toColor": [ 184, 233, 252, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 252, 201, 179, 255 ], "toColor": [ 252, 201, 179, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 184, 189, 252, 255 ], "toColor": [ 184, 189, 252, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 252, 249, 215, 255 ], "toColor": [ 252, 249, 215, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 197, 252, 231, 255 ], "toColor": [ 197, 252, 231, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 252, 212, 230, 255 ], "toColor": [ 252, 212, 230, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 227, 210, 252, 255 ], "toColor": [ 227, 210, 252, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 252, 182, 192, 255 ], "toColor": [ 252, 182, 192, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 252, 222, 179, 255 ], "toColor": [ 252, 222, 179, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 252, 223, 212, 255 ], "toColor": [ 252, 223, 212, 255 ] }, { "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm", "fromColor": [ 207, 221, 252, 255 ], "toColor": [ 207, 221, 252, 255 ] } ] } } }, "scaleSymbols": true, "transparency": 0, "labelingInfo": [ { "labelExpressionInfo": {"expression": "// Change the settings portion to configure direction format, color, rounding and abbreviations\n// This is an Arcade expression\n\n// SETTINGS\nvar QuadrantBearingFormat = true; //set 'true' for quadrant bearing, 'false' for north azimuth\nvar ShowDistance = true; //set as 'true' to show distance\nvar ShowDirection = true; //set as 'true' to show direction\nvar ShowRadius = true; //set as 'true' to show radius\nvar ShowCurveParemater = true; //set as 'true' to show a curve parameter\nvar CurveParameter = \"ArcLength\"; //set as 'ArcLength' or 'Chord' or 'Angle' for central angle. Case sensitive!\nvar ErrorString = \"COGO ERROR\"; //set to display invalid COGO combinations\nvar RadiusAbbr = 'R='; //radius abbreviation\nvar ArclengthAbrr = 'L='; //arclength abbreviation\nvar ChordAbbr = 'C='; //chord abbreviation\nvar AngleAbbr = 'A='; //central Angle abbreviation\nvar DistUnitRounding = 2; //number of decimal places for distance units: distance, radius, arclength & chord\nvar NumberFormat = \"#,###.00\" //number format. In this example: thousands separator with padding of 2 zeros \nvar directionColor = \"blue='255'\"; //direction color: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black. You can also use RGB or CYMK combinations.\nvar distanceColor = \"black='255'\"; //distance color: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black. You can also use RGB or CYMK combinations.\nvar radiusColor = \"blue='255'\"; //radius color: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black. You can also use RGB or CYMK combinations.\nvar curveParamColor = \"black='255'\"; //curve parameter color: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black. You can also use RGB or CYMK combinations.\nvar partialCOGOColor = \"magenta='255'\"; //partial COGO color: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black. You can also use RGB or CYMK combinations.\nvar invalidCOGOColor = \"red='255'\"; //invalid COGO color: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black. You can also use RGB or CYMK combinations.\nvar fontNameSize = \"\"; //font type and size\n\n// VARIABLES\nvar direction=$feature.Direction;\nvar distance=$feature.Distance;\nvar radius=$feature.Radius;\nvar arclength=$feature.Arclength;\nvar radius2=$feature.Radius2\nvar prefix; // quadrant bearing prefix\nvar postfix; // quadrant bearing postfix\nvar bearing; \nvar quadbearing;\nvar binaryDictionary; //binary dictionary to check COGO combinations\nvar checksum=0; //initialize checksum\nvar validValuesArray; //array of valid values for COGO combinations\nvar partialValuesArray; //array of partial values for COGO\nvar degrees;\nvar minutes;\nvar seconds;\nvar DMS;\nvar directionStr = \"\"; //direction string using for label\nvar distanceStr = \"\"; //distance string using for label\nvar radiusStr = \"\"; //radius string using for label\nvar curveStr = \"\"; //curve parameter string using for label\nvar angleRad; //curve angle in radians\nvar COGOValidity; //COGO combinations validity. can be valid, partial or invalid.\n\n\nfunction NorthAzimuth2Quadbearing(azimuth){\n if (azimuth<90 && azimuth>=0){\n bearing=azimuth;\n prefix = \"N\";\n postfix= \"E\";}\n else if (azimuth<180 && azimuth>=90){\n bearing=180-azimuth;\n prefix = \"S\";\n postfix= \"E\";}\n else if (azimuth<270 && azimuth>=180){\n bearing=abs(180-azimuth);\n prefix = \"S\";\n postfix= \"W\";}\n else if (azimuth<360 && azimuth>=270){\n bearing=360-azimuth;\n prefix = \"N\";\n postfix= \"W\";}\n \n degrees=floor(bearing);\n minutes=floor((bearing-degrees)*60)\n seconds=((bearing-degrees-minutes/60)*3600)\n if (seconds>=59.5){\n seconds=0;\n minutes+=1;\n if (minutes==60){\n minutes=0;\n degrees+=1;}}\n quadbearing=prefix+degrees+\"°\"+text(minutes,\"00\")+\"'\"+text(seconds,\"00\")+\"''\"+postfix;\n return quadbearing;\n}\n\nfunction DMS(bearing){\n degrees=floor(bearing);\n minutes=floor((bearing-degrees)*60)\n seconds=((bearing-degrees-minutes/60)*3600)\n if (seconds>=59.5){\n seconds=0;\n minutes+=1;\n if (minutes==60){\n minutes=0;\n degrees+=1;}}\n DMS=degrees+\"°\"+text(minutes,\"00\")+\"'\"+text(seconds,\"00\")+\"''\";\n return DMS;\n \n}\nfunction IsValidCOGO(direction, distance, radius, arclength, radius2) {\n binaryDictionary= Dictionary('dir', 1, 'dist',2, 'rad',4, 'arc',8, 'rad2',16)\n if (!IsEmpty(direction)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.dir}\n if (!IsEmpty(distance)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.dist}\n if (!IsEmpty(radius)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.rad}\n if (!IsEmpty(arclength)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.arc}\n if (!IsEmpty(radius2)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.rad2}\n \n validValuesArray=[0,3,4,8,13,29]; //array of valid combinations: '0' for nothing, ... '13' for direction & radius & arclength ...\n partialValuesArray=[1,2]; //array of partial combinations: '1' for only direction, '2' for only distance...\n \n if (IndexOf(validValuesArray,checksum)>-1) { // a negative value is returned if checksum value is not in the a valid combination array\n return \"valid\";\n }\n if (IndexOf(partialValuesArray,checksum)>-1){\n return \"partial\"; \n }\n return \"invalid\";\n}\n\nCOGOValidity = IsValidCOGO(direction, distance, radius, arclength, radius2);\nif ( COGOValidity == \"invalid\") { //if invalid COGO return error string\n return \"\" + fontNameSize + ErrorString + \"<\/FNT><\/CLR><\/BOL>\"; \n}\n\nif (COGOValidity == \"partial\") { //if a partial COGO change colors\n distanceColor = partialCOGOColor;\n directionColor = partialCOGOColor;\n}\n\n// Direction string\nif (ShowDirection) {\n if (IsEmpty(direction)==false) { \n if (QuadrantBearingFormat==true) { //using quadrant bearing format\n directionStr = \"\" + fontNameSize + NorthAzimuth2Quadbearing(direction) + \"<\/FNT><\/CLR>\";\n }\n else { //using north azimuth format\n directionStr = \"\" + fontNameSize + DMS(direction) + \"<\/FNT><\/CLR>\";\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Distance string\nif (ShowDistance) {\n if (IsEmpty(distance)==false) {\n distanceStr = \"\" + fontNameSize + text(round(distance,DistUnitRounding), NumberFormat) + \"<\/FNT><\/CLR>\";\n }\n}\n\n//Radius String\nif (ShowRadius) {\n if (!IsEmpty(radius)) {\n if (radius>0) { // if radius is positive --> right\n radiusStr = \"\" + fontNameSize + RadiusAbbr + text(round(radius, DistUnitRounding), NumberFormat) + \"<\/FNT><\/CLR>\";\n }\n else { // if radius is negative --> left\n radiusStr = \"\" + fontNameSize + RadiusAbbr + \" -\" + text(round(abs(radius), DistUnitRounding),NumberFormat) + \"<\/FNT><\/CLR>\"; \n }\n }\n}\n\n// Curve Parameter\nif (ShowCurveParemater) {\n if (!IsEmpty(arclength)) {\n if (CurveParameter == 'ArcLength') {\n curveStr = \"\" + fontNameSize + ArclengthAbrr + text(round(arclength, DistUnitRounding), NumberFormat) + \"<\/FNT><\/CLR>\"; //return Arc length \n }\n angleRad = arclength/(abs(radius)) //calculate angle in radians\n if (CurveParameter == 'Angle') {\n curveStr = \"\" + fontNameSize + AngleAbbr + DMS(angleRad * 180 / pi) + \"<\/FNT><\/CLR>\"; // convert radian to degrees and show as DMS\n }\n if (CurveParameter == 'Chord') {\n curveStr = \"\" + fontNameSize + ChordAbbr + text(round((2 * abs(radius) * Sin(angleRad/2)),DistUnitRounding), NumberFormat) + \"<\/FNT><\/CLR>\"; //calculate chord length\n } \n }\n}\n \n// Assemble label string\nif (IsEmpty(radius)) { //if its empty it is not a curve\n return directionStr + \"\\n\" + distanceStr\n}\nelse { //it's a curve\n return radiusStr + \"\\n\" + curveStr;\n}"}, "labelPlacement": "esriServerLinePlacementBelowStart", "textLayout": "followFeature", "deconflictionStrategy": "static", "lineConnection": "none", "multiPart": "labelPerFeature", "offsetDistance": 3, "stackLabel": false, "removeDuplicates": "none", "useCodedValues": false, "maxScale": 0, "minScale": 2000, "name": "Direction and Distance", "priority": -1, "symbol": { "type": "esriTS", "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "backgroundColor": null, "borderLineColor": null, "borderLineSize": null, "verticalAlignment": "bottom", "horizontalAlignment": "left", "rightToLeft": false, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "kerning": true, "haloColor": [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], "haloSize": 2, "font": { "family": "Tahoma", "size": 10, "style": "normal", "weight": "normal", "decoration": "none" } } } ] }, "defaultVisibility": true, "extent": { "xmin": 701594.879999999, "ymin": 206438.9367500022, "xmax": 953360.4030000009, "ymax": 356560.57400000095, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 103937, "latestWkid": 103937, "xyTolerance": 0.002, "zTolerance": 2, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -1.852567273065E7, "falseY": -5.1280856363312505E7, "xyUnits": 1.3227759933293271E8, "falseZ": 0, "zUnits": 1, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "hasAttachments": false, "htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText", "displayFieldExpressionInfo": { "expression": "// Change the settings portion to configure direction format, rounding and abbreviations\n// This is an Arcade expression\n\n// SETTINGS\nvar QuadrantBearingFormat = true; //set 'true' for quadrant bearing, 'false' for north azimuth\nvar ShowDistance = true; //set as 'true' to show distance\nvar ShowDirection = true; //set as 'true' to show direction\nvar ShowRadius = true; //set as 'true' to show radius\nvar ShowCurveParemater = true; //set as 'true' to show a curve parameter\nvar CurveParameter = \"ArcLength\"; //set as 'ArcLength' or 'Chord' or 'Angle' for central angle. Case sensitive!\nvar ErrorString = \"COGO ERROR\"; //set to display invalid COGO combinations\nvar RadiusAbbr = 'R='; //radius abbreviation\nvar ArclengthAbrr = 'L='; //arclength abbreviation\nvar ChordAbbr = 'C='; //chord abbreviation\nvar AngleAbbr = 'A='; //central Angle abbreviation\nvar DistUnitRounding = 2; //number of decimal places for distance units: distance, radius, arclength & chord\nvar NumberFormat = \"#,###.00\" //number format. In this example: thousands separator with padding of 2 zeros \n\n// VARIABLES\nvar direction=$feature.Direction;\nvar distance=$feature.Distance;\nvar radius=$feature.Radius;\nvar arclength=$feature.Arclength;\nvar radius2=$feature.Radius2\nvar prefix; // quadrant bearing prefix\nvar postfix; // quadrant bearing postfix\nvar bearing; \nvar quadbearing;\nvar binaryDictionary; //binary dictionary to check COGO combinations\nvar checksum=0; //initialize checksum\nvar validValuesArray; //array of valid values for COGO combinations\nvar partialValuesArray; //array of partial values for COGO\nvar degrees;\nvar minutes;\nvar seconds;\nvar DMS;\nvar directionStr = \"\"; //direction string using for label\nvar distanceStr = \"\"; //distance string using for label\nvar radiusStr = \"\"; //radius string using for label\nvar curveStr = \"\"; //curve parameter string using for label\nvar angleRad; //curve angle in radians\nvar COGOValidity; //COGO combinations validity. can be valid, partial or invalid.\n\n\nfunction NorthAzimuth2Quadbearing(azimuth){\n if (azimuth<90 && azimuth>=0){\n bearing=azimuth;\n prefix = \"N\";\n postfix= \"E\";}\n else if (azimuth<180 && azimuth>=90){\n bearing=180-azimuth;\n prefix = \"S\";\n postfix= \"E\";}\n else if (azimuth<270 && azimuth>=180){\n bearing=abs(180-azimuth);\n prefix = \"S\";\n postfix= \"W\";}\n else if (azimuth<360 && azimuth>=270){\n bearing=360-azimuth;\n prefix = \"N\";\n postfix= \"W\";}\n \n degrees=floor(bearing);\n minutes=floor((bearing-degrees)*60)\n seconds=((bearing-degrees-minutes/60)*3600)\n if (seconds>=59.5){\n seconds=0;\n minutes+=1;\n if (minutes==60){\n minutes=0;\n degrees+=1;}}\n quadbearing=prefix+degrees+\"°\"+text(minutes,\"00\")+\"'\"+text(seconds,\"00\")+\"''\"+postfix;\n return quadbearing;\n}\n\nfunction DMS(bearing){\n degrees=floor(bearing);\n minutes=floor((bearing-degrees)*60)\n seconds=((bearing-degrees-minutes/60)*3600)\n if (seconds>=59.5){\n seconds=0;\n minutes+=1;\n if (minutes==60){\n minutes=0;\n degrees+=1;}}\n DMS=degrees+\"°\"+text(minutes,\"00\")+\"'\"+text(seconds,\"00\")+\"''\";\n return DMS;\n \n}\nfunction IsValidCOGO(direction, distance, radius, arclength, radius2) {\n binaryDictionary= Dictionary('dir', 1, 'dist',2, 'rad',4, 'arc',8, 'rad2',16)\n if (!IsEmpty(direction)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.dir}\n if (!IsEmpty(distance)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.dist}\n if (!IsEmpty(radius)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.rad}\n if (!IsEmpty(arclength)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.arc}\n if (!IsEmpty(radius2)) {checksum+=binaryDictionary.rad2}\n \n validValuesArray=[0,3,4,8,13,29]; //array of valid combinations: '0' for nothing, ... '13' for direction & radius & arclength ...\n partialValuesArray=[1,2]; //array of partial combinations: '1' for only direction, '2' for only distance...\n \n if (IndexOf(validValuesArray,checksum)>-1) { // a negative value is returned if checksum value is not in the a valid combination array\n return \"valid\";\n }\n if (IndexOf(partialValuesArray,checksum)>-1){\n return \"partial\"; \n }\n return \"invalid\";\n}\n\nCOGOValidity = IsValidCOGO(direction, distance, radius, arclength, radius2);\nif ( COGOValidity == \"invalid\") { //if invalid COGO return error string\n return ErrorString; \n}\n\n// Direction string\nif (ShowDirection) {\n if (IsEmpty(direction)==false) { \n if (QuadrantBearingFormat==true) { //using quadrant bearing format\n directionStr = NorthAzimuth2Quadbearing(direction);\n }\n else { //using north azimuth format\n directionStr = DMS(direction);\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Distance string\nif (ShowDistance) {\n if (IsEmpty(distance)==false) {\n distanceStr = text(round(distance,DistUnitRounding), NumberFormat);\n }\n}\n\n//Radius String\nif (ShowRadius) {\n if (!IsEmpty(radius)) {\n if (radius>0) { // if radius is positive --> right\n radiusStr = RadiusAbbr + text(round(radius, DistUnitRounding), NumberFormat);\n }\n else { // if radius is negative --> left\n radiusStr = RadiusAbbr + \" -\" + text(round(abs(radius), DistUnitRounding),NumberFormat); \n }\n }\n}\n\n// Curve Parameter\nif (ShowCurveParemater) {\n if (!IsEmpty(arclength)) {\n if (CurveParameter == 'ArcLength') {\n curveStr = ArclengthAbrr + text(round(arclength, DistUnitRounding), NumberFormat); //return Arc length \n }\n angleRad = arclength/(abs(radius)) //calculate angle in radians\n if (CurveParameter == 'Angle') {\n curveStr = AngleAbbr + DMS(angleRad * 180 / pi); // convert radian to degrees and show as DMS\n }\n if (CurveParameter == 'Chord') {\n curveStr = ChordAbbr + text(round((2 * abs(radius) * Sin(angleRad/2)),DistUnitRounding), NumberFormat); //calculate chord length\n } \n }\n}\n \n// Assemble label string\nif (IsEmpty(radius)) { //if its empty it is not a curve\n return directionStr + \" \" + distanceStr\n}\nelse { //it's a curve\n return radiusStr + \" \" + curveStr;\n}", "title": "Custom" }, "displayField": "Direction", "typeIdField": null, "subtypeFieldName": null, "subtypeField": null, "defaultSubtypeCode": null, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "type": "esriFieldTypeOID", "alias": "OBJECTID", "domain": null }, { "name": "Direction", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Direction", "domain": null }, { "name": "Distance", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Distance", "domain": null }, { "name": "Radius", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Radius", "domain": null }, { "name": "ArcLength", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Arc Length", "domain": null }, { "name": "Radius2", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Radius2", "domain": null }, { "name": "CreatedByRecord", "type": "esriFieldTypeGUID", "alias": 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